Tuesday of last week I really think we hit a milestone. Cedric woke up and seemed to be over the 6-8 week fussiness peak. I didn't say anything about it for a few days to be sure and now I can confidently say that he does seem much calmer. He isn't as bothered by a bit of gas and he actions are getting more deliberate. I am better at noticing when he is getting sleepy and he is better about letting go and falling asleep. Sleep is good and makes for a much happier little man.

I do still have troubles getting him to nap sometimes but it has been improving since last Thursday. We talked about sleep in my new moms class and it made me feel better about Cedric's sleep. I used to think the saying "Never wake a sleeping baby" meant that if you woke a baby you would have a cranky and screaming baby who is mad at you on your hands. What I think it really is referring to is the poor mother who spends hours upon hours each day trying to get her baby to sleep. You wake the baby and you will receive the fierce wrath of a sleep deprived mom.
In other development news Cedric has started to enjoy his mobiles. He will contently lay and flail his arms, occasionally hitting the hanging objects.
Sometimes when he is fussy I can put him down under a mobile and he'll calm down. It has been weird for me now that Cedric is less fussy. He is more okay with being put down and occasionally I'll find him in his crib, eyes open, just hanging out after a nap. Weird.
Above is Cedric in one of his special shirts from Marks & Spencer, sent to him from the Trundles. We found out this week that Alanna and James will be marrying in England and Bob is going to be a groomsman! The wedding is a year away and we will have to decide closer to if Cedric gets to go or not.
I'll leave you with some photos of a happy baby. Cedric smiles more often now but still reserves them for especially happy moments. He seems to spend most of his day going between faces of contentment, confusion and concern.