Monday, January 18, 2016

4 Months

From 12 weeks to four months Clara came out of the newborn fog and is now our bouncing baby girl. 

Clara went to the doctor a little late due to her shot schedule and the holidays, so at 4.5 months here is were she was:

Height: 25 in - 65%
Weight: 13 lb 5 oz - 31%

So she is a peanut. Smaller than both Bob and I but still growing well. She is wearing 6 month clothes (occasionally still in 3 month pants). I'm not worried about her being tall or big like Cedric has been. I still like that she is smaller, staying my little baby a little bit longer (at least size wise - she weighs less than Cedric did at 2 months!). 

Clara has a large range of faces but her favorite expression is a smile. The girl is smiley. She just seems like she is happy most of the time. I wish I had more smiley photos this month but it is hard to remember to pull out the phone when she is smiling so happily at me. My brain goes to baby mush and I just smile back! The only times she gets cranky are when she is hungry or tired. Usually cranky means tired. She doesn't worry too much and is patient with me when I'm trying to deal with Cedric or do some chores. 

Clara is doing well with her head control and is sturdier every day. She rolls over about once a week but isn't too concerned with it. She is less frustrated during tummy time and is enjoying the play gym more.

This month she found a love for sticking everything in her mouth. She loves her hands the most, followed by anything cloth and toys. 

We pulled toys out this month and she is slowly becoming aware of them. She is getting better at holding things and immediately pulls them to her mouth. 

I put Clara in the high chair for the first time, though she was still a little unstable. It will be nice when she can join us at the table without being on my lap!

Clara has started grabbing and swatting a bit too, it's cute to watch her try to interact with her world!

Clara is drooly. Soooo much droolier than Cedric. I should be using a bib most days but I forget (and don't like the look of them). Bob plays a game where he holds drooly Clara and chases Cedric. We all get drooled on a lot, it's gross. I doubt it is teething related as she is so young - I hope it doesn't get worse!

Clara enjoys bath time much more. She likes the warm water and splashing around. She makes cute faces and likes to snuggle in her towel. We don't do bath as part of the bedtime routine like I did for Cedric, mostly because she doesn't need it. The girl is a rockstar sleeper (Cedric is my comparison). We've had a few hiccups but she generally goes down for 45 min, wakes and feeds then sleeps for about 8 hours. She'll feed once more then wake up for good around 7. Seriously, it's like a dream compared to Cedric. Naps are going okay, I'm trying to be flexible while being consistent - a funny balance to find. 

This month we were able to meet up with a few friends born two - three weeks after Clara. Future BFFs? Hopefully!

Clara's real BFF right now is Cedric. He loves her still and wants to hold her and play with her. He does ignore her sometimes but not in a mean way, more in a "I'm still the center of the universe" kind of way. First borns - am I right?

Clara turned 4 months on Christmas Eve. I have lots more photos coming but here are a few of my big girl (she may have been a little confused about Christmas). 

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