A week after Cedric's first hurricane we had Cedric's first Nor'easter. I'm still a bit confused about the Nor'easter. It was a winter storm that came from the sea, bringing snow/rain and colder temps. I guess it doesn't count as a regular winter storm because the temperature is back up in the 50's and the snow melted very quickly.

We only went out for a few minutes but I couldn't pass up the chance to take Cedric's photo in the snow. Though you can't see it, snow is falling on Cedric's face. He tried to catch the flakes on his tongue, it was very cute.
Siena hadn't seen snow in 4 years and was a little confused at first. It took her a few minutes before she would walk on it and then longer to decide if it was okay to pee on. Silly dog.
I'm very interested to see how the winter goes. Apparently this was just a "light dusting" of snow, says my new mom friend Tracy. It did end up sticking to the pavement but luckily it melted the next day. I'm not looking forward to shoveling snow! Hopefully it will be another mild winter!