Well, little Cedric is working on not being so little anymore. How big is he?
Weight: Heavy
Length: Long
Head: Filled with new ideas and awareness
Health: Sick with RSV - poor baby has a chest cold!
He is busy being the cutest baby ever. He loves to grab things now and reach for toys and things he shouldn't grab. He has reached for his Mama a few times when he was being held by Bob. :) He also really enjoys playing with any toy that moves or blinks lights. If he is upset you can put him in front of the window and he likes to watch the cars go by. Or you can go to the bathroom and turn the tap on and off. Or you can bring him by Siena for a cuddle, though she usually runs away after he grabs a handful of her hair. Or there is the old stand by - TV.

Technically, Cedric doesn't watch TV. We are trying not to have it on around him, I guess the lights and colors flash too quickly for baby's brains. But everyone says if they must watch TV that sports is the best option, because the people are all moving in real time. Well, in this house watching sports IS a must - it is KU Basketball season! How else are we going to brainwash him? (Disclaimer, he is only seated that close to the TV for the photo.)
Cedric also loves to put everything in his mouth. That is probably how he got the cold. He loves to chew and feel everything but hasn't any teeth yet. I'm sure they will come shortly! He also is enjoying new textures, weights, and shapes with his hands. He loves scratching things and wants to put his hands on anything I'm holding. He's already realizing that iPhones are neat, I need to work to keep it away from him. No more multitasking while feeding!
Our little man is also doing very well at sitting up unassisted. He can do it for short times on the floor and for longer with a pillow or rail to hold on to. We put him in a high chair at a burrito restaurant (Boloco) and sat happily while we ate. It was after an outing with our New Mom friends and he was the only one able to sit like that, I was a proud mom. Here he is on his first grocery cart ride with me. (Attention Shoppers: Cutest Baby in the World in the produce section)
Cedric is quite the babbler now, when he wants to be. Some days he is very quiet but some he seems to want to talk and will go on and on. He will coo and babble now instead of cry occasionally, which is nice for my nerves.
We still get together with my New Mom group, even though the class officially ended in November. Here he is on a play date and then at a music class. It is nice to have some other babies for him to play with (or will be soon enough).
Cedric is also enjoying reading. He really seems to listen and will calm down when story time starts. His favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The illustrations must really speak to him because he is always trying to feel the pages and grab the caterpillar.
I've saved the best bit of news for the last. Cedric can fall asleep on his own. Now, at bedtime, we do our little nighttime routine and then I lay him down, eyes open and still awake, and he will fall asleep. Amazing. He wakes up only once (maybe twice) to feed and then goes right back to sleep. We used the very wrongly criticized book Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems by Richard Ferber. Turns out Dr. Ferber works in Boston, lives in Newton like a mile away and knows what his talking about. And his methods are nothing like what they said they were in "Meet the Focker's". Funny how Hollywood exaggerates things.
I will leave you with two goofy photos. The one on the left is a "your crazy" Tom Mason look if I've ever seen one.
I love this little man, I hope he gets over his cold soon!