Here are the stats (taken on Mar 10th, almost 19 months):
Head - 50 cm 97th percentile
Length - 34 in - 89th percentile
Weight - 26 lb 7 oz - 77th percentile
So, what else can Cedric do? Since his 15 month appointment he went from maybe 15 words to maybe close to 50. He learns new words and concepts every day. He doesn't talk a lot in public and I wouldn't call him a chatter box a home either. He is talking more than grunting and whining, which is my goal. Occasionally he has used two words together, which is exciting.
Cedric's memory is good, which can be frustrating at times. One day he was sick and so we watch some Elmo videos and then all I heard for a week was "Elmo, Elmo, Elmo". Then he got sick again and we watched a show called Chuggington and now it is "Choo-choo, Choo-choo, Choo-choo". He finds the Apple TV remote, opens my hand and put the remote in it and asks for more. Very hard to say no, he can be quite persuasive. On a positive note, he can now remember 5 verses of movements for "The Wheels on the Bus". He can identify and say head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, cheek, knee, toes, and belly. He can count to three, sort of. If I say one he will say two and three and then sometimes says go or something that sounds like it could be four. He can identify purple, green, yellow and blue - when he is in the mood. He loves animals and can tell you all about dogs, cats, birds, horses, fish, sheep, and cows.
Cedric has some favorites. His favorite little bedtime buddies are Boo the dog (aka doggie) and a grey cat from IKEA (aka meow-meow). He loves that Boo the dog video on youtube but he found the stuffed animal first at a Paper Source. Those videos have kept him awake during a number of poorly timed car rides. He loves cars, trucks, TRAINS, balls and emergency vehicles - especially fire trucks. He gets very excited to watch them drive down Centre St. And of course, he loves the dog.

Basically, Cedric is getting big. He gets into everything, nothing seems to be off limits anymore. We are learning more about his personality. He seems to be observant, stubborn, understanding, and cautious. He definitely knows what is going on and has a plan of his own. He is very convincing when he wants something and very difficult when he isn't getting his way.
What movie said "I wish I loved anything as much as my kid loves bubbles"? No matter, it is so true.
Little Cedric isn't so little anymore. Here he is on a riding lawn mower for the first time and he already knew how to steer and shift. Seriously, some kids just are born with gifts.
I'll leave you with a classic video of Cedric dancing to his favorite song "Pompeii" by Bastille. I'm sorry for the duplicates Instagram followers, but sometimes he is just very cute and I have to share it lots. Happy half birthday little boy, soon you will be 2. YIKES!!!