Wednesday, July 16, 2014

21 months or so

Disclaimer: This post has been sitting in my queue for 2 months. It may be a little disjointed.

 I'll never forget the day that cedric turned 21 months . . . thanks to this post. He did something silly and said "it's funny".  He gets humor now, which is very exciting. He has started pointing at pictures of smiling faces and say "happy". He understands smiling people are happy. Funny to watch your child understand emotions. He does well with two words now and can pair words in different contexts. Very exciting for our communication. I'm hoping it makes things a little easier if he can tell me what he needs and feels.

There are a few things that Cedric can not live without. Like trucks. Cedric loves trucks and his Cayman flag. Silly Boy. 

He loves a monster truck that looks like a school bus he found at Michaels that he won't let go of. He loves his Jayhawk puppet, he wants to hug him and give him kisses. He likes to put on a silly turkey hat and sneeze it off as a game. He likes to pull up the edges of our foam mat and chase daddy with them like they are swords, while playing hide and seek. He likes TV, Curious George, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Chuggingtion. He likes to do the Hot Dog Dance and does a few of the motions. He has started trying to sing along with me to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at bedtime and gets really giggly when he gets the words right.

Cedric LOVES to "splish-splash". He loves to put on his splish-splash boots, even if it is not raining and look for puddles. He has an excellent memory and will remember where all the good puddles should be. 

Cedric loves to play outside. We spend most afternoons at one park or another now that the weather is nice. Bob has had fun going to the parks with Cedric, teaching him very responsible things like throwing rocks in the river/lake or throwing acorns in the street. 

We love watching Cedric grow up! 

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