Cedric is getting so big, advancing more and more every day. He really enjoys standing. We practice standing up and sitting down. He loves to try to stand up on his own (while I hold his hands, of course) but tries to avoid sitting down.
He likes to watch the cars out the window, just like Siena. It is cute when they stand next to each other. Cedric gets really excited now when Siena comes over to him. He giggles when her tail wags in his face and when he gets to practice petting her. We have to be careful because he does like to grab her every chance he can get.
Cedric has also learned how to go from laying down on his belly to sitting up. I noticed a few times that he was sitting when I thought he had been on his belly. Then I walked in after his nap the other day to find him sitting in his crib.
Also, we are getting very close to crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. I've also seen him pull his knees forward. He can push himself backward but hasn't figured out how to put one hand in front of the other. He usually gets frustrated and goes flat on his belly to reach for the toy he is going after. In other "motor" news, he has been using his pincher grasp for about 4 weeks and seems to have great hand-eye coordination. He loves to touch everything and enjoys different textures and materials. Cedric also started banging things together more and more, which is why we bought him a xylophone (thanks Michaelyn!). Maybe he will be a great musician.
Eating is much better, right now his favorite food is blueberry. I went to the store and bought every baby food with blueberry mixed in. He actually opens his mouth for his food now!
In other "favorites" news, Cedric seems to really like the color orange and he loves rattles.
Here is Cedric in his big boy pajamas. I bought them right after Cedric was born, thinking that a 9 month old would be in "real shirts" without snaps at the bottom.
He looks very cute in big boy clothes, I may start putting him in more regular shirts this summer, when it is warm.
Cedric is also working on talking. He went through a phase when he stopped babbling and just wanted to roar and blow raspberries all the time. He says Mamama, bababa, gagaga, rarara, dadada, and th. Sometimes is sounds like he says Hi and once I thought he said bubbles. The dada is new and I haven't caught it on video yet. He says it very quietly, which is sweet.
Cedric turned 7 months old on Sunday - St Patrick's Day. We went shopping at the Gap and took some cute photos that I will leave you with.

Such a cute boy, so sweet and so ready for winter to be over. Don't worry little boy, Spring is here and soon we won't have to bundle up so much!
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