Monday, October 19, 2015

8 Weeks!

Little Clara is getting bigger again. It happens everyday and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to stop it. 

Clara is getting much more expressive and aware. She is sensitive to touch and movement, is aware of her surroundings and sounds more. She is recognizing my voice so that I can talk to her across the room and calm her a bit. She is getting better about sitting by herself, though she'd prefer to be in the bjorn or held. I still haven't put her in a stroller yet, there hasn't been a need. We tried to get out the bumbo seat but she is still a little weak for it. We've been working more on tummy time to get her head control stronger. She's at risk for a flat head on the right side so we are working hard to get her to sleep to the left and strengthen her neck muscles. 

She is starting to be a little ticklish and is getting very smiley. The past few days especially she's been smiling a lot when she sees my face, is fed or picked up, which melts my heart. It's hard to grab a camera during those sweet moments but I'm starting to try. I think she almost laughed one of the times I tried tickling her. 

Clara's sleeping well, waking me 2-3 times a night -which is about normal. She isn't very fussy and seems generally happy so I'm trying not to stress about her napping during the day. She is already falling into a 3 - 4 nap pattern, though everything revolves around Cedric's schedule still. So far she is pretty flexible! We haven't had to use a yoga ball or any funny techniques to keep her happy in the evenings, she generally happy just to hang out and then go to bed. I'm going to try and start a little night routine and to move her bedtime up a bit. I'm reading again (Weissbluth this time) and I'm hoping to get her to sleep as best as she can this first year. 

She is wearing more pink than I thought I'd put her in, but I must admit, it looks pretty cute on her. I think I'd rather put her in pink than a lot of ruffles and bows. My favorite look for her is still navy with pink but I think it is because her eyes are still dark blue. Bob thinks they are starting to lighten a bit. Her hair looks a little strawberry in some lights and light brown in others, similar to Cedric's. She has more hair then he did but it doesn't seem to be growing very quickly. 

This past Saturday Clara went in to her first KU game (vs Texas Tech). We only stayed through the first half of the first quarter but that was because Cedric was ready to leave. We went in the stadium almost 40 min before kick-off to watch the warm up and the band (Cedric's idea). It was a little cold or we may have tried to stay longer. 

Clara is back at the doctor in a few weeks for shots so we should have some more updates then! 

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