Tuesday, July 26, 2016

11 Months

Oh Clara. She is getting so big in both size and personality. I just bought her a new outfit in 18 months and it fit great. She's paying attention to whats going on around her. She loves pointing to what she wants and likes. She's learned how to turn lights off and on, push the garage door button and ring bells at receptions. She is talking more, sometimes saying things that I think make sense. I am pretty sure I heard her say siena, dog, water, hi, bye and others. Though it could be in my head but I feel she is doing lots, I may just not be listening. Cedric usually demands all my listening skills. 

Summer has been fun, though this past month has been very hot. The "heat dome" made it unbearable to be outside but lucky we've had some days we could go out and splash around. She really likes the water, I suspect she will learn to swim before Cedric does (sounds familiar). 

I don't do it often but sometimes we get in some of Cedric's hand me downs. He wore this same suit when he was 4 months old in Cayman. She isn't small but man, he was a big baby!


We are working on some more big girl skills. Like going to the park and playing instead of being in the carrier. And not eating the mulch or rocks - though they still look very tasty. She loves the swings and slides, her big smiles and giggles when she gets to participate make me feel like I should be allowing her to do more. 

Clara is working on walking as well. She is walking with assistance  and even takes a few steps here and there on her own. Not enough steps to catch them on camera yet but they are coming. She stands alone all the time, she loves to practice (Cedric especially loves to help) and she had a bit of a sleep regression - so you know it's for real. 

Here are some of my favorite photos from this month. We went to dinner at Free State and because of some private event it took FOREVER. So we were all a little bored as we waited for the check. Instead of flipping out or melting down we chose to be silly. I love when these kids can play and laugh together.


 PS - Clara started it. 

Fourth of July 2016

This year for Fourth of July my parents came up to Lawrence for some BBQ and fireworks. Just for future reference, when we say BBQ we mean the real stuff. Bob has a new smoker and loves to smoke whenever he can. We have a freezer full of smoked meats. 

Cedric had never done any fireworks so in the afternoon we headed to the fireworks stand. I don't know who was more excited, my dad, mom or Cedric. I took the "mom" roll and had to keep telling everyone to put the big stuff back :). 

We brought our goodies home and set them off with my uncle and aunt that live in town. It was the small classics - the tank, the chicken, the race car, a few fountains and lots of sparklers. 

I was so sure Cedric was going to be bothered by the loud noises (I always was as a child and his temperament is much like mine) but Cedric LOVED it. He wanted more and was sad when it was over. I guess fire and explosions trump noise. Clara looked a little annoyed but was fine too. Maybe mommy is just a weeny. 

 It was a fun holiday, nice to see my parents and nice to pass some traditions on to my little guy!
