Clara is 6 months old today. Every week she seems to be growing and learning more, she's a sack of potatoes no more!
Clara's stats will be coming out in a few weeks and I'll insert them here:
Height: 26.75 in - 76%
Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz - 47%
Head: 17.25 in - 80%
I will say she had a bit of a stomach thing the past two weeks and when she went in for a check she was 15 lbs 6 oz and that was closer to her birthday. She has been waking up more during this so has had more opportunity to eat! She is in 6 month clothes still but I feel that her sleepers are getting a little tight in the length. I bought a few 9 month sleepers today so we will see. I can comment on her hair and eyes. Her hair seems to be coming in a brownish-reddish color. Sometimes it looks strawberry blonde and sometimes it looks light brown. It is definitely longer than Cedric's was at this time! Her eyes are lightening up, looking like they will be like Bob and Cedric's. People have been saying how much she looks like me, especially in the eyes so I'm hoping she may still have a color change to green. Mine didn't really settle on a color until middle/high school so their is still hope. We have the same eye shape and her ears seem to be pointing out a bit like mine. People stop me to tell me how cute she is and a few have made the "gerber baby" comparison. She's a cute girl!
Cedric and "Clarla" are getting along well. Cedric has some trouble with sharing and the constant napping but he still loves her.
When the two of them engage with each other it is so cute. Clara laughs and Cedric uses funny voices. Clara wants to do whatever Cedric is doing. We try to play together now that Clara is more interested in toys but Cedric usually complains about all the drool. Clara has been drooling less now that she started eating some foods. BTW eating has been going well, she has been eating everything we put in front of her, so that is new for me! We only do about a tablespoon or so at a time but she likes being included. She really wants to eat what Cedric eats and grabs at his drinks and snacks a lot. I really have to watch my handsy girl!
Clara loves playing with toys. Her favorite toys are napkins, papers, tags and basically anything crinkly. She'd love to tear up and suck on paper napkins all day if I let her. She is very good at stealing them from the table, her reach and grabbing abilities are excellent.
She has really enjoyed the exersaucer this month and has been moving away from her more infantile toys and chairs. She gets frustrated when the little crocodile cubes are all displaced. She tries to stand most of the time and I think that has been helping her get stronger. She can almost crawl out of her Bumbo seat and gets frustrated laying under the play mat.
Speaking of stronger . . .
My little girl is sitting! I'd been trying to practice with her a bit but one day a week or so ago I realized she could do more than I thought. She still needs some help and is like a Weeble-wobble when she is tired. Still, it has been exciting so I've been pushing her a bit to see what she can do.
She can pull herself from laying to sitting and then from sitting to standing. It's not easy for her but we are working on it! We tried the swings on a 70 degree February day but she is still a little small for that.
We had painters in last week so were eating out most lunches and tried the high chair. Turns out she can sit in these pretty well. That's good news for me as she has been very handsy the past six weeks or so, grabbing at everything she can get her hands on. She's spilled soup on me twice and even broken a bowl at home. She really needs to be contained! Really, she just wants to be involved and eat too. Poor girl doesn't like being left out.
The past few days Clara has been sticking out her tongue to be funny. She likes to do it to Cedric the most and then they giggle about it. She will do it to me to get a response. I really feel she is using it as a new way to communicate. I think it just adds to her personality! She likes to engage with people and laugh!
So there is my little big girl. So small and yet growing so much every day. She's been a joy and I can't wait to watch her grow up, though I wish she could stay my little peanut/sack of potatoes forever!
Merritt was almost the EXACT same height and weight! .5 ounce more and .25 inch less. Twins. :)