Thursday, January 24, 2013

So, I'm old now . . .

Well, I turned 30 this month. I have been feeling very old ever since I had little Cedric, so the number just verified the feeling. 

Here I am, on my way to dinner (at 4:30) with my family. 

We went to The Melting Pot, which turned out delicious but a bit problematic. Turns out trying to eat while holding a baby with a boiling hot pot on your table is probably a safety hazard. Don't worry, no one was hurt :). Also, eating a four course dinner with a 4.5 month old is probably pushing it. We tried to rush it and dinner still lasted 2 hours. Probably should have hired a babysitter. Probably :)

Don't worry, I found a way to relax after Cedric went to bed. I bought a fancy bottle of rose champagne as my "last irresponsible act" the day before my birthday. Thanks to the fancy champagne corker Bob gave me for Christmas I was able to enjoy it over the weekend!

All in all, I feel good about turing 30. I feel like I did quite a lot in my 20's and feel ready to be a bit more responsible and adult-like. Anyway, all the friends I've been making here are over 30 and all my school friends are turing 30 this year as well. And if all the cool kids are doing it . . .

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